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How Do I Open Disk Utility On My Mac

Oct 16, 2020 • Filed to: Solve Mac Problems • Proven solutions

Apple claims that its Mac OS is fully equipped to assist its users for day-to-day PC activities, and they seem to have proven the same over the years. Since Mac users save a lot of important data on it, it is necessary to keep all such information secure. Mac Disk Utility does exactly that with the help of its 'Restore' option. This function teaches you how to Clone a Mac's Drive with Disk Utility.

Double-clicking on the Desktop drive icon opens a Finder window by which you can explore any part of the drive you wish. Otherwise, I don't know what you are asking. Once the system has booted, four macOS Utilities are listed, one of which is Disk Utility (see image below). Click Disk Utility to select it, then click the Continue button. The familiar Disk Utility window appears. Click on the drive requiring repairs, then click First Aid again. As before, Disk Utility will take the volume through the Live. Note: If you are trying to repair your startup disk or startup volume with Disk Utility, you need to restart your computer and hold Command + R to boot into macOS Recovery mode. Then select Disk Utility in the macOS Utilities window and click Continue.

In this article, learn how to copy all the data and clone a Mac's Drive (internal/external) easily. Read and know more about Mac Disk Utility, its 'Restore' function, how to clone a Mac's Drive with Disk Utility, and a simple way torecover your Mac's Drive.

Part 1: Why You Need to Clone a Mac's Drive?

'What is the need to clone a Mac's Drive?' This thought must have crossed your mind atlas once while using Mac. To be precise, cloning of hard drives protects your important data which is under possible risk of physical destruction, loss, etc.

No matter how new or of what quality your hard drive is, you cannot say for sure that it will last forever and never crash or suffer from a system failure. Old hard drive or one suffering from mechanical, firmware, or electrical error can permanently destroy your data, such as photos, documents, videos, music, and other files. Also, if important personal documents and business files are misplaced in the process, retrieving them is next to impossible.

Therefore, to prevent these and many more situations that may arise due to data loss, we recommend that you always know how to Clone a Mac's Drive using Disk Utility. Mac Disk Utility and its 'Restore' functions can keep your data, important information, and files secure by literally copying it from your Mac Drive.

Difference Between Time Machine Backup and Cloning Hard Drive

Skype for business receive control mac. If you're wondering whether to use Time Machine or Mac Disk Utility to clone a Mac's Drive, let us clear the confusion for you. Time Machine is a built-in application to back up and make an up-to-date copy of the data you save on the Mac. Its unique feature is that it makes real-time backups to recover files easily whenever needed. When set-up for the first time, Time Machine performs a full backup of the Mac and its contents. Time Machine keeps, hourly, daily and monthly backups all categorized separately.

If Time Machine can do so much, then why consider using Mac Disk Utility?

To start the discussion, Mac Disk Utility is free and also comes built-in with every Mac OS version. It has various new features that make it more suitable than the Time Machine. Say, for example, its 'Restore' option does something what is called block copy and make the entire cloning process swifter. It is also capable of making an almost cut to cut an exact copy of the contents of the Drive. No important files, documents, or data are left behind using Mac Disk Utility. It works in blocks and does not involve file to file transfer.

Some changes have been introduced in the Mac Disk Utility toolkit which makes more accurate cloning and copying data from the Drive.

Part 2: How to Clone Mac's Drive using Disk Utility?

Curious to know how to clone a Mac's Drive with Disk Utility? Follow these simple steps and you're good to go:

Related: If need be, learn how touse Disk Utility to resize Mac volume.
  1. Open Mac Disk Utility on your Mac from Utilities or Applications.
  1. Click 'Erase' from the top of the Disk Utility interface.
  2. Now chose a media on the left panel to make it your backup drive.
  3. At the drop-down list which has 'Format' options, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Then hit 'Erase' again and wait for the drive to remount on Mac.
  4. Then at the Mac Disk Utility interface, click 'Restore'.
  5. Now comes the tricky bit. Select the target drive, drag it and drop it at the 'Source' field.
  6. Now drag and drop the destination Disk/Drive and leave it at the 'Destination' field.
  7. Hit 'Restore' once and for all. The contents of the drive will be copied and saved on the destination drive.

Part 3: How to Recover Mac's Drive Data?

What does one do if some data is lost during cloning the mac's Drive? Don't worry. The loss isn't permanent and the destroyed data can be recovered with the help ofRecoverit for Mac. It is a recovery tool for MacBook, iMac, Hard Drives, Flash Drives, Memory Cards, phones, cameras, and camcorders. It can instantly retrieve the lost contents from the Mac Drive and provide reliable data recovery solutions. It can recover documents, images, videos, audio files, emails and archives files.

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The steps given below will help you use Recoverit for Mac to recover Mac's Drive:

  1. Download, install and launch Recoverit hard drive recovery software. Now choose the target drive where the data gets lost, and click 'Start' to recover lost data.
  1. And then the data recovery tool will set in motion an all-around scan to search the lost files.
  1. Finally, you can preview the whole scanned results, select the ones which need to be restored, click 'Recover' as shown below, and save the recovered data in another drive/disk to keep it secure for future.

Conclusion The bottom line, we have attempted to answer a commonly asked question on online forums, i.e., how to clone a Mac's Drive with Disk Utility. We hope you will find this red useful and now be able to clone your Mac's drive and keeps its contents safe.

Also, the Recoverit drive data recovery toolkit is a safe, effective, and trustworthy medium to retrieve your lost documents and file. Google chrome mac os. So go ahead and follow the instructions in this guide to clone Mac's drive orrecover hard drive datadeleted accidentally during its process.

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When Apple updated Yosemite to Mac OS X El Capitan, it made huge changes to the Disk Utility. The streamlined interface is easy to use, but it’s missing some key functions. Some of them are there though if you know where to look.

Repairing Permissions in El Capitan

The most obvious feature that Apple seemed to take away was rRepair permissions. That feature solved a few Mac problems, but, for the most part, was unnecessary. The operating system checks permissions during software updates. At other times, those permissions aren’t allowed to be changed. Repairing permissions can still be an effective troubleshooting step. Some tech support providers won’t help you unless you repair those permissions. There are a few different ways to do it.

Cool El Capitan Features: If you recently upgraded, check out how to use Split View and the upgraded Mission Control.

If you like using terminal, this command will repair permissions.

sudo /usr/libexec/repair_packages --repair --standard-pkgs --volume /

If you don’t like messing around in Terminal, MarcPac wrote RiparaCapo. That free app does all the repair permissions behind the scenes. I think it’s a little safer to run that program as a terminal is a powerful tool on a Mac.

Secure Erasing a Volume

In previous Disk Utilities, you could specify how you wanted a volume erased under options. Originally, Apple gave you a 35-pass method as the most secure erase method. In Lion and later versions, Apple removed that option and left you with a 7-pass erase as the most secure. Youtube app for linux. That’s enough for most users.

Securely deleting files: You don’t have to erase the entire drive to securely erase a file. You can do this through terminal with the diskutil command. Apple removed Secure Empty Trash and replaced it with Delete Immediately

How Do I Open Disk Utility On My Mac Computer


To access that option in El Capitan, you’ll need to select a Volume rather than a physical disk. If the disk is unformatted, you won’t be able to secure erase it. That’s an annoying change.

Again, the command line comes to the rescue. You can specify a 34-pass erase using the secureErase command. Without the GUI of OSX protecting you, it’s easy to select the wrong disk to erase. I’d avoid using this command unless the Disk Utility isn’t working for you.

Creating a RAID

I’m not sure why Apple removed this from the main Disk Utility. Most likely the reason is simplicity. Creating a RAID is specialized functionality so they left it to Terminal and the diskutil command. Also, improper use of the RAID function could cause problems with the Fusion drive scheme.

Where Is Disk Utility Mac

Another option is to reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode. The Disk Utility in recovery mode does support creating a RAID. Monosnap 3 4 8 download free.

Disk Repair and First Aid

The options for repairing a disk changed. Instead of Verify Disk and Repair Disk, the options merged. Now you select the volume and click First Aid. That saves a few steps from previous versions.

Alexa connect mac itunes. Serious errors still need advanced utilities like Disk Warrior to fix the system.

Burning a Disk

While most new Macs don’t have an optical drive, some of us still need to burn CDs and DVDs. Disk Utility was a great way to copy a disk or convert it to an ISO. Apple removed those features in El Capitan.

Need to copy a hard drive? Check out our guide to creating a bootable backup.

The good news is most of these functions moved to the Finder. If you select an ISO or other master image file and right-click, you’ll see a Burn Disk Image to Disc option. That saves you a few steps compared to using Disk Utility. If you want to burn a folder or file to a CD or DVD, right-click the item and select Burn to Disc.

If you want to create an image from an optical drive the process is the same as it was in previous versions. From the File Menu in Disk Utility select New Image and then pick Image From and the name of the item you want to copy. Under Format, if you want to be able to burn a copy, pick DVD/CD Master. That creates a .CDR file that you can burn directly from the Finder.

Encrypted Volumes: To keep your files secure, consider creating an encrypted volume or folder.

New Feature: Disk Overview

This is a similar overview you get when you go to About This Mac and select Storage. The key difference between the two views About The Mac shows how much space is taken by backups. Otherwise, the views are the same. Disk Utility adds some information that’s useful in Terminal like what device it is and the drive format. I think it’s a waste having it in both places.

Most Everything Else is the Same

Other than these changes, most of the features remain the same. Creating a volume with different formats is the same. Erasing a PC formatted drive is still the same, although the button placement moved.

ALSO SEE: Alfred vs Spotlight: Which Works Best at Finding Stuff on Your Mac?

MacThe above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Also See#hard disk #OS X El Capitan

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How Do I Open Disk Utility On My Mac
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